Emotional Intelligence Assessments

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is defined as a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. It reflects one’s overall wellbeing and ability to succeed in life.

Emotionally intelligent people communicate effectively, form strong relationships and create powerful coping strategies; emotionally unintelligent people don’t—no matter how high their IQs. Emotional Intelligence can be measured—more reliably and less controversially than IQ—and, unlike IQ, it can be substantially strengthened and developed.

Emotional Intelligence Assessments by Linda Schnabel

Who Measures Emotional Intelligence?

  • Business leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs who are managing human skill and ingenuity and who believe that the most commonly considered performance predictors—intelligence, education, experience, and personality—are, quite simply, not enough.
  • Those who are intrigued by that intangible something that has now been identified by a large and growing body of international social scientific research as Emotional Intelligence.
  • Human Resources Professionals tasked with: Recruitment & Selection; Succession Planning; Career and Leadership Development; Conflict Resolution; and Team Building.

Not sure if you or your organization could benefit from coaching? Please consider our Organizational Wellness Diagnostic.

What Does the Business Case Show?

a) Emotional Intelligence and Leadership (PDF)
b) Emotional Intelligence and Development (PDF)
c) Predicting performance and positive functioning at work using EQ (PDF)
d) A Sample EQ 2.0 Leadership Report (PDF)

* Acknowledgement to Multi-Health Systems for its work in the growing field of Emotional intelligence (www.mhs.com).